Saturday, August 18, 2012

Remarrying after 50 years, divorced couple always kept in touch ...

While getting remarried to a former spouse might sound out of the question to some people, it still does happen, no matter a person's age. One couple has reportedly remarried, 50 years after they divorced. The couple says they have always kept in touch, maybe because they also had four children together. To the surprise of their children, the couple decided to get remarried on August 4.

During their split, one of them married another person, but when that spouse died, another old relationship sparked. The couple says they are now happy to spend the rest of their lives together, again. When most people think of divorce, they believe the process is ugly and will not end in a friendship with a former spouse.

Although that can happen, this couple shows that couples can still remain respectful during and after a divorce. Speaking with an experienced family law attorney can help a person file for divorce and remain respectful with their soon-to-be ex-spouse during the divorce process. Of course, both people in the relationship have to want to remain friends.

Since this couple was able to maintain a friendship, and later redevelop a relationship, four generations of their families are now celebrating their remarriage. In the event that a couple decides to remarry, a family law attorney can help set up their marriage with protections, and work with them to understand how their legal support for their ex-spouse might change. Understanding the legal process of divorce and remarriage may be beneficial before tying the knot for a second time.

Source: Yahoo, "Couple to remarry almost 50 years after divorce," Claudine Zap, July 30, 2012

-Our law firm handles many different family law issues. To learn more about divorce, please visit our website.


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